Saturday, February 7, 2009

Farrow at 6 weeks

Here's a picture of Farrow in a shirt brought to her by our friends Tyler and Sosh from southeast Asia. She's approaching 6 weeks on Monday and is starting to do exciting things like lifting her head, throwing up, smiling, and laughing at Alex Rodriguez for using steroids. Genius!

Also today, we did what all new parents probably do... joined Costco. Diapers and wipes and paper towels now are busting our cabinets at the hinges.

By all accounts we have lucked out with Farrow. She's had two nights where she's only woken up once. There are worse nights, but so far she's a sweet, calm, well behaved child. This surprises all four of her Grandparents.

Speaking of, the Grandmother's are each making trip number two in March, while she'll meet her uncle Dan next month as well. And her only cousins, Ryan and Holly are making an appearance in April.

So far, so good. And she generates cash!



Wow - six weeks and she already appears to have found true Enlightenment. Zen of the Pacifier

Anonymous said...

Adorable!!! What a cool shirt, too...stylin'!!!

Nikee Pomper said...

are you f'in kidding me? she's already 6 weeks? time flies