Wednesday, October 22, 2008

NEW YORK! (written over two days)

The above is supposed to sound like someone screaming, as in "this is NEW YORK!"
Once again Teri and I are seperated for the week and I am in New York while she is in St Louis. I will be meeting her at the end of the week for our baby shower in Missouri. Before that happens though, I have had a perfect, fall, NYC couple of days.
It has been a great week as I was able to catch up with my old freinds Matt Henning, Kim Sall, and Derek Metz. The weather was crisp, the job easy, and the reuniting comforting. I would like to thank Microsoft for the free ticket.

Matt Dellinger(pictured) is the person I stay with each time I come out here. He is currently writing a book. It's about Highway 69, explained thusly: The transformative power of transportation explored through the lens of one controversial project - the extention of the interstate 69 from Indianapolis to Mexico. Look for him on the Daily Show next spring. When I visit, there is always a new adventure.
Though work pushed me through two 15 hour days, I was able to turn it into a boondoggle to visit these friends. (Dellinger just warned me to be careful not to write this because my company may read it, and I've been drinking. whatever. It's after 5pm. I can do what I want. It is not Russia.)
But honestly, I love visiting this town. I really wanted Teri to come this time, but she could not make it. Pregnancy and all. Soon though, she will be coming back and Dellinger has offered to push the stroller. But back to this trip: He and I saw our friend McGrath (who wrote this: on Saturday night in Red Hook. On Sunday, we ate our way from Brooklyn to The Village and back, stopping for a Katz Rueben, Shwarma, Sushi, and some cheese from Murray's. That night we took the cheese to have dinner with Henning and his partner, Dave.
Anyway, after working for two days this week in Midtown, I am back here in Brooklyn, to hang a shelf. We're turning his room into a literary colliseum (see previous blog post).
Tonight I also saw an old friend Kim and her fiance Derek. I haven't seen these two in years, but they are doing great. This is important because in the last two years Kim has surived some serious health problems. It was a relief to see them happy and healthy. They are doing great and I could not be happier for them.
Next I head to Missouri to see Teri, The Hoerstkamps and their new house, and get to hang with some of Teri;'s old friends. Should be fun and look for another post soon.
(oh yeah, the carpet went into the basement while I was gone. More on that later too)

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