Wednesday, October 29, 2008


I'll try to not let this photo hurt my feelings. Matt and I trekked back to Missouri a few weeks ago for a baby shower that my Mother hosted for us. It was a nice afternoon, and great fun as I got to see my two closest friends from highschool, Erin and Adrienne (Erin is the one who looks like she's going to throw up), and my best friend from college, Rachal. Rachal is spending a few months in Missouri with her family before she heads to Argentina to teach for six months. It was so great to spend time with three of my favorite people. It's so fun to get together with old friends when it feels like no time has passed at all.

The shower itself was a great event, held in my parent's brand new house. They moved in just three days before the shower and somehow managed to pull off a party for 35 people. It was a beautiful day spent with family and lots of old friends, who were all very generous to the unborn Yoder. Lucky kid ...

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