Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Let the Sun Shine

And now it's 2010! We were pretty exhausted after our birthday bash, but we were able to get out and enjoy the sunshine the following weekend. We had a great walk along the water, with bright morning sun and a perfect temperature of nearly 60 degrees. Even though it was warm out, Farrow still modeled her sweet new sweater jacket from Claire & Dan.

And while we are talking about Farrow, she had her one year check up and she appears to be very healthy. As proof, here are her latest stats: Weight: 21lbs 13ozs (60% percentile) Height: 30 inches (80% percentile). Beyond her stats, she has been very busy this past month ... she walks (and tries to run), she's chatty- with her best words being "Dada", "Cat", "Yes", "That" and "Mama" and will have a full on conversation with herself, she's relaxing in her new chair, and has officially moved to cow's milk. Dang ... that girl is busy. Here's a quick photo to prove her love for food... I've titled this "Get Away from My Cake".

The adults of the house (including Big Papi) are enjoying the New Year, as well. Not too much to report ... work is busy, the house is warm, and Big Papi is terrified of the rain. We were able to see some great friends over the break, including Suzy up from San Francisco (the baker from our earlier post), Tyler and Shoshana up from the Bay Area; the Schomp Family, the Tabiltones, and Manny & Michelle to name a few. Big thanks to everyone who traveled through snowy weather for a visit ... it was great to spend time with you all! Though, Suzy did come with cake ... so she may have one up'd the rest of you.

1 comment:

Suzy Brannon said...

i LOVE being a one-upper! :)