Tuesday, December 9, 2008

It's a giant!

Change is coming to the America. And by America, I mean the Yodkamps.

Here is the last ultrasound of our child. It was taken last week and we were told it is 6.5 lbs., has a full head of hair and tracking in the 90th percentile for weight. Now for all of you who had before January 12th in the poll, you are going to win. The latest (fifth) due date is now 12/29/08. This made us throw up a little in our mouths.

Two things about this. One, this is Teri's birthday. It could now be born on Christmas, Teri's favorite day of the year or her birthday. And two, tax write off! Woo hoo. Already bringing in the big bucks.

On a different note, it's my 31st birthday Friday. Tyler and Shoshana get back from Southeast Asia this week and we will be celebrating with them. It should be fun.

1 comment:


Happy Birthday Ingram!
Enjoy - this could be the last day you have that's all about you