I'm deep into my 15th week (nearly 4 mths) and am on the road to a "quick" recovery. I had a very rough first few months, feeling so sick all day every day. I realize that I am a fairly happy person, and it really hard for me to be unhappy and sick for so long. Seriously, 12 weeks is a very long to time feel awful! But, enough whining ... I'm starting to feel better and it couldn't happen at a better time. It's full on summer in Seattle and we plan on taking full advantage of it! (And by "we" I mean myself, Matt and Big Papi, of course.)
So, what's with the apple? Turns out at this stage Little Yoder is the size of an apple. I first I thought nothing of that. But then I ate an apple and realized that an apple is a pretty decent size! I haven't officially "popped" yet, though those who see me often either think I've been eating a lot of burritos, or that I'm pregnant. Most people go the pregnancy route, which makes me feel better. Once I pop, and I have a full on pregnant belly, I'll be sure to post some photos.
The next few weeks should be pretty exciting - Matt's been making progress on the basement, and soon we'll be able to move our guest bedroom funiture out of the soon-to-be nursey. My great friend Vanya offered to help decorate, and I am gladly taking her up on that offer!
We'll be sure to share more photos and baby/home updates in the upcoming weeks!